Friday, June 29, 2007

Shenandoah Pipe School, Part III

For the record -- I did it, I did it, I did it. I played a tune from start to finish on, not the practice chanter, but the highland bagpipe. After some bagpipe adjustments by the ever skillful Stuart Liddell -- he shortened the tongue of my outside tenor drone (to require less air) and bent the fibers on the cane reed in my pipe chanter (again, to require less air) -- and some able coaching regarding breathing and arm pressure on the bag technique from the same Mr. Liddell, I played Bonnie Galloway. I repeated it to assure teacher and student alike that it wasn't a once in a lifetime cosmic fluke. They do happen. This wasn't one of them. I did it. Perhaps there is musical grace now and again.

Granted, my strike-ins and sound-offs need some polishing. That's what practice is for. But, I did it.

I truly felt like a little kid whose training wheels have been removed from his bicycle for the very first time as well as his father's hand from the rear of the seat. I know the extra wheels are gone. I helped take them off. My balance is a little wobbly, but I am not falling over. I look back to make sure that a gentle hand is keeping me up and on track. It was there when I started. It's not there now. It was scary at first. A touch of astonishment was present as well. It was one of those "Am I really doing this?" moments. What fun. I think I may have experienced something akin to giddiness. Is that possible?

I will stick with slow airs and 4/4 marches for the near future, but I have my heart set on some jigs and reels. One day. One day.

That's it for the moment. Peace.


Hank Selzer said...

Hey Dan:
I love reading about your adventures on your time away! I just came back from a week away in Richmond, and I'm getting ready for a 7-week period of time away in New York. Let's hope someone's doin' some big time praying for both of us!
God bless,
Hank Selzer

Dan McCoig said...

Hank et al,
Great to hear from everyone. I appreciate your words of blessing and prayers. Please know that they are reciprocated.
Enjoy New York. I loved Cooperstown.

Jennifer Galang said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! I have truly enjoyed reading about all of your musical adventures! I will continue praying for you as you continue your time of rest.


Nan said...

Hi Dan,
It's great reading about your adventures/challenges/celebrations.
Anne, John, and I are headed to Montana late next week for a conference I'm attending and then to the Seattle/Olympia area to visit my college roommate. May your sabbatical continue to be all you had hoped it would.