Sunday, August 5, 2007

Back Home and Photographs as Promised

We got in yesterday, early evening. Smooth flights all the way -- Glasgow, London, DC. Our highest temperature in Scotland may have been in mid-60s, tops. The heat and humidity of the parking lot at Dulles was a rude awakening, a shock to both body and spirit.

As promised, I have posted some new photographs to my blog. They are at the right. I added significant places to my odyssey while in Oxford and Glasgow. I took numerous photographs while in Edinburgh and the Highlands. I hope to post some of them over the next several days. I will also post some new narrative as well.

Momentarily, I will make my way to Williamsburg with a Jeep loaded to the gills to assist Molly as she moves into her apartment.

That's it for the moment. Peace.

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